4 Things To Consider When Buying A Vacuum For Your Daycare Center

1 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog


You want your daycare center to be as clean as possible, starting with the floors. Young children spend a lot of the day on the floor, crawling, sitting, and playing on it. You want to keep the floor in your day care center as clean as possible, which means that you need a vacuum cleaner that is easy to use and can withstand being used to vacuum your entire center one to two times a day.

Look for a Good Warranty

When you purchase a vacuum cleaner for your daycare, you are not purchasing a vacuum cleaner that is only going to be used five or six times a month. You are purchasing a vacuum that is going to be used twelve times per week. You are purchasing a machine that you need to be able to rely on to get lots of work done.

That means you need a vacuum cleaner that comes with a strong warranty. You need a vacuum cleaner that is backed by a warranty that will take care of fixing your vacuum cleaner should it break down within a reasonable period of time.

Look for Something Lightweight

You need a vacuum cleaner that is going to be easy for all the employees of your daycare to use. You don't want to invest in a heavy and cumbersome vacuum cleaner that is hard to move around. If you want to ensure that the floor gets cleaned properly, you need a vacuum cleaner that is lightweight and easy to use. It shouldn't feel like you are at the gym doing an arm workout when you use the vacuum; it should be smooth and easy to use, especially since it will be used so often.

Look for High Suction Power

Next, be sure to inquire about the suction power of any vacuum cleaner that you purchase for your daycare center. You need a vacuum cleaner that has strong suction power. You need a vacuum cleaner that can easily suck up dirt, crackers, and even stray peas. You need a vacuum cleaner that is capable of picking up all the little food pieces that little ones drop and all the dirt, rocks, and treasures that they bring in from outside.

Look for a Long Cord

You want the vacuum cleaner for your daycare center to be easy to use, especially since you are going to need to vacuum your entire center at the end of the day and possibly during recess breaks as well. A vacuum cleaner with a short cord that has to be moved around numerous times in order to clean your daycare center is not easy to use or an effective machine. You want a machine with a long cord that minimize the number of times the cord needs to be moved to clean a room or rooms. The longer the cord, the more vacuuming that can be accomplished all at once.

Look for a Cleanable Filter

With a daycare vacuum cleaner, it is going to get a lot of mileage on it quickly. If you don't want to be purchasing a new filter every week, make sure that you chose a vacuum cleaner with a washable filter. You can make it a weekly task for the person closing your day care center on Friday to take out the washable filer at the end of the day after they vacuum and clean it so the filter is clean in the morning.

When you purchase a vacuum cleaner for your daycare, you want to choose a vacuum cleaner that is lightweight and has a long cord; this will make it easier for all of your workers to use the vacuum to keep things clean. Next, make sure that the vacuum comes with a cleanable filter so you don't have to continual purchase new filters every week. Finally, make sure that the vacuum cleaner is backed up with a solid warranty. Contact a company, like Peerless Building Maintenance, for more help.