3 Mental Health Conditions Alleviated By Securing Cleaning Services
ShareWhen you think of the repercussions of an unkempt home, you may consider the way the dirt and dust increase symptoms associated with allergies, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. You may even think about the potential for viral and bacterial infections due to germ exposure. However, did you know that a dirty residence can also negatively impact mental health conditions? It is true. Disorganization and clutter often trigger a negative response in people suffering from depression, anxiety and dementia. Therefore, hiring a regular cleaning service can alleviate symptoms caused by these mental health problems. Here is what you need to know.
Despite popular belief, one of the main symptoms of depression is severe apathy. The inability to feel concern or interest in the outside world can lead to serious disorganization inside the home. As the cleaning tasks pile up, depressed individuals may find it even more difficult to find the drive to do something about it.
Receiving help cleaning the home provides the opportunity to complete simple upkeep tasks that can help ward away depression by encouraging active living. When scheduling this service, it is important to ask cleaning service providers to help eliminate piles of clutter in an attempt to reduce thought patterns that reinforce the symptoms of depression.
Anxiety symptoms can range from avoidance to full blown panic attacks. When a messy home acts as an anxiety trigger, patients may find it difficult to sit in a space that looks untidy. Anxious individuals may be driven to clean obsessively or avoid the home to control panic symptoms. Once panic attacks start, it can be difficult to keep emotions under control, especially when faced with personal triggers or other stressful situations.
Luckily, patients can have a cleaning service do the bulk of the tidying up to make the home a much more pleasant place to live. The cleaning service can handle organization of bathroom products, kitchen tools and paperwork to streamline daily homecare tasks. Reducing exposure to stress triggers, like a dirty home, can help anxiety patients maintain control over emotions for a healthier daily outlook. If stress levels are too far out of control, patients can go through cognitive behavior therapy to learn how to cope.
Memory problems associated with dementia often lead to hoarding if the home is not kept highly organized and clean. In turn, hoarding can worsen disorganization, rummaging behaviors and fear responses associated with a loss of memory. Removing all of the clutter, however, can actually increase those maladaptive responses. Instead, cleaning service professionals can create clutter stations that the patient can browse through when feeling out of sorts.
For the rest of the items, crews will immediately remove and discard the clutter to prevent triggering negative emotions in the patient. Caregivers need to stay on hand to orchestrate deep cleans in case the patient becomes distressed. As a result, it is wise to plan for several weekly visits in a row to tackle the bulk of the clutter. After that, regular cleans can be completed without the large belonging removals or other disruptive actions.
Getting the Help You Need
Since mental health conditions can make it difficult to clean up and stay organized, it is highly beneficial to hire professionals well versed in those practices. As a result of securing these services, the clean space may help prevent symptom aggravation associated with clutter and disorganization in general.
Your cleaning service professionals can come through once a week to tidy up the floor space and deep clean all of the surfaces in need. Cleaning professionals scrub flooring, appliances and counter spaces using products that both clean and sterilize. Spot cleaning services are also available for when clutter piles high or a stain suddenly appears on the furniture or flooring.